
Things You Should Know to Start a Cooking Channel on YouTube

Things You Should Know to Start a Cooking Channel on YouTube


If you love cooking new exotic dishes in your kitchen, YouTube is the right platform to showcase them to the world and make a decent career as the host of your own cooking show. Today, 4 billion watch hours worth of content is consumed on YouTube on a daily basis. This means if you have great cooking skills and want to turn your passion into a revenue-generating stream, this is the high time to start your own cooking channel on YouTube. 

But, like any other channel, starting a cooking show from scratch can be an extremely daunting experience. At the end of the day, YouTube is a competitive field. So, you’ll have to do your research and follow the right approach to get YouTube subscribers and grow your cooking channel. 

Today, we’re going to list a few helpful tips that’ll allow you to start your own cooking channel and make your videos get exposure from your potential audience. It doesn’t matter if you want to start a cooking channel to promote your restaurant or simply share your own recipes with the world, these tips will help you create high-quality content for your viewers. 

Buy the Right Gear

When it comes to starting a cooking channel, you’ll have to buy the essential gear in the beginning. Apart from the regular kitchen equipment, you’ll also have to create a setup in your kitchen that helps you shoot high-quality content. This means you must buy a decent lighting setup and an affordable digital camera that’ll help you record better videos. 

In case you don’t want to invest in a heavy-duty camera, you can also buy a small point-and-shoot or use your smartphone’s camera instead. Today, almost every phone has good quality cameras that can even record up to 4k videos. Simply set up the camera on a tripod and you’ll be able to shoot your videos without any interruptions. 

Do Your Research

Before starting a cooking channel on YouTube, it’ll always be a great strategy to do your research. By research, we mean watching dozens of cooking shows and understanding how the entire logistics of running a cooking channel works. 

This will also help you understand what type of content viewers like to watch and how you can embed your own style to make distinctive videos. Of course, you should use other cooking channels as inspiration and not copy their content entirely. The more time you invest in research, the easier it’ll become to get instant YouTube subscribers and grow your channel more easily.  

Test Your Recipes

It doesn’t matter how finger-licking your recipes are, there’s always room for improvement. Just because you think a recipe is great, it doesn’t mean that everyone is going to like it. So, before starting to shoot a video on a specific recipe, make sure to test it as much as possible. You can ask your friends and family members to give their honest feedback on your recipes. This will help improve the dish so that the majority of your viewers end up liking it. 

Study About Different Diet Plans

If you want to diversify the content on your channel, you should also study different diet plans and trends going around in the industry. Today, everyone is concerned about what they put in their stomach.

So, apart from your delicious Turkey recipe, you should also consider coming up with healthy diet plans that’ll help people live a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, you can also create your own vegan recipes to target your vegan audience. This will allow you to target a wide variety of audiences and keep your content engaging.  


That concludes our guide on how to start and grow your own cooking channel on YouTube. In case you have already started your channel, but are struggling to get more views, you can also buy YouTube subscribers to get the initial kickstart. Sapiyo is among the most popular platforms to get YouTube subscribers at pocket-friendly prices. Buying subscribers will help you get rolling with your content and make your channel reach its potential audience.

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